Website (

This page documents the official FOSS@MAGIC website hosted on GitHub Pages. The website source code is found in FOSSRIT/


  • The site is built using Jekyll, Bootstrap (via CDN), Font Awesome (via CDN), & GitHub Pages

  • PDF.js is used for embedding PDFs in pages (via CDN)

  • “Pretty links” is turned on in the Jekyll configuration (see permalink: pretty)

  • github-pages Gem used to simplify dependencies

  • The live site is updated by committing changes to the master branch

The site uses an undocumented feature of Jekyll where categories are defined using category/_posts/ instead of _posts/category/.

Git work flow

This describes how to make any type of contribution to the FOSS@MAGIC website:

  1. Fork repository to your GitHub account (go to FOSSRIT/ and click “fork”)

  2. Clone repository locally to your workstation

  3. Create/add files

  4. Git commit

  5. Git push to your fork

  6. Open pull request against master branch of FOSSRIT/ repository

  7. When pull request is merged, site updates in a couple of minutes

Jekyll and Front Matter

Jekyll is what builds the site. It renders Markdown and handles templating. Jekyll requires that all post pages start with a valid date in the syntax YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md.

Jekyll uses something called Front Matter to know more information about the page. Front Matter defines what the page looks like and metadata such as the title, author, and event details (where applicable).

Frontmatter should be at the top of a post and should be surrounded by triple-dashes (---). All times are of the timezone America_New_York.

Additionally, Jekyll uses the string <!--more--> to define where the summary of pages end. This is used when showing post previews on the site. Optionally, the excerpt Front Matter can be defined instead to override this (if using an HTML page instead of Markdown in special cases, the excerpt Front Matter should be used instead of <!--more-->). Please use this functionality to keep lists of posts readable.

Calendar feed

Jekyll also generates an iCal calendar feed of event announcements, talks, and events. This feed is generated at

Here is the logic for common, notable event properties:

  • Titles come from the title Front Matter

  • Descriptions come from the page body. Uses summaries if defined with <!--more--> (or excerpt Front Matter).

  • Dates:

    • If specified, date-start and date-end allows manual specification of event date and time

      • Useful when announcement of an event is not same day as event itself

      • Also allows specifying start/end times

    • Otherwise, the date given in the file name is used

  • Locations can be (optionally) specified with the location Front Matter

  • URLs:

    • If redirect, gives link directly

    • If for post, gives post link

    • Otherwise, gives the Get Involved page by default

Example post

title: Example thing
layout: post
Hello FOSS folks!

This week...


Other things happening.

- Signature

Create a development environment

This website uses containers for a development environment. A container runtime like Docker or Podman works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Containers closely mimic how the production version of the site is deployed. This means when you test your changes locally with containers, they will deploy in production successfully. This is also how maintainers test new pull requests.


Install one of the following container runtimes:



Build and serve Jekyll locally

To build the site and serve it as a website from your workstation, run the following script:


This script downloads the Jekyll container from Docker Hub, builds the website, and serves it on port 4000. Make sure other services are not running on port 4000 when running the script. Once the site finishes building, access the local version of the website at this URL:


PRO-TIP: Running the script takes a while to install dependencies. However, the container continues to rebuild the website so long as the script is still running. To take advantage of this, run the script when you first start developing, and leave it running until you are done.

How to update FOSS Hours time/place

Edit _config.yml and update the settings meeting-day, meeting-place, and meeting-time. These settings are used across the website automatically. The meeting time and place are referenced in the _config.yml so they are updated in one place.


# --- meeting schedule settings ---

# They appear exactly as typed. Follow the format already here when updating.
meeting-day: Thursday
meeting-place: MSS/71-3190 (conference room)
meeting-time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM

How to add content

This section describes how to add new content to the FOSS@MAGIC website.

Add a new .md file to one of the _posts/ folders for a category. Store assets (a.k.a. pictures, PDFs, or other downloadable files) in a folder within that category (e.g. projects/assets/). Include the date in asset file names so it is clear what references it.

Content categories include the following:

How to create announcements

Announcements spread the word about what is happening in the community. Posts in this category are added to an RSS Feed (at

  • Create a new Markdown file in announcements/_posts/ named with the convention YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md

Example announcement


author: Justin W. Flory
title: "Call for Volunteers: Spring 2020"
layout: post

Hi FOSS folks!
We are looking for volunteers from the RIT community!
If you are interested in volunteering with FOSS@MAGIC in the Spring 2020 semester…

How to create event profiles

Events are written before or after an event.

Events often use an image gallery functionality. Typically, photos are added to the gallery after an event. Use the images Front Matter with an array of photos. The images parameter takes relative links to the RITlug site or absolute links for images hosted on other sites. See the example event below for how to do this.

  • Create a Markdown file in events/_posts/ named with the convention YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md

Example event profile


layout: event
title: Election Night Hackathon 2019
- Justin W. Flory
- D. Joe Anderson
excerpt: Help transcribe suffragist papers or hack on other project during Election Night.
- /events/assets/2019/11/election1.jpg
- /events/assets/2019/11/election2.jpg
- /events/assets/2019/11/election3.jpg
- /events/assets/2019/11/election4.jpg
Students and faculty collaborated and worked on projects during the 2019 US midterm elections.

{% include content-blocks/gallery.html %}

> FOSS@MAGIC proudly presents… the 9th Annual Election Night Hackathon!

How to add projects

Projects are about things the FOSS@RIT community work on. They are not added to an RSS Feed.

  • Create a Markdown file in projects/_posts/ named with the convention YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md

    • The date is required because of a Jekyll requirement to list projects

    • Should be updated at least once a year if project is on-going

Like events, projects often use the image gallery.

Some projects use custom HTML (in-line or entirely) to have a better show effect. If using custom HTML, remember to set the excerpt Front Matter. If doing the page entirely in custom HTML, the layout should be set to default, which includes the FOSSRIT navbar & footer, but not the page background.

The author/authors Front Matter should be defined. Additionally, the permalink property is commonly used to give a more special URL.

Example project


layout: project
title: TeleIRC
permalink: /projects/teleirc
- Justin W. Flory
- Kennedy Kong
- Kevin Assogba
- Mark Repka
- Nate Levesque
- Nicholas Jones
- Seth Hendrick
- Tim Zabel
excerpt: >
    TeleIRC bridges communication between Telegram groups and IRC channels.
    This bot was originally written for the RIT Linux Users Group Telegram group and IRC channel.
    Today, it is used by communities all over the world.

RITlug TeleIRC is a NodeJS implementation of a Telegram <=> IRC bridge.

{% include content-blocks/gallery.html %}

How to add calendar events

The website has an interactive calendar built in.

Sometimes you want to add an event to the calendar but the details are not yet decided. For example, weekly FOSS Hours meetings have a set time and date but typically does not have pictures or a lot of details, since it is an informal gathering. Calendar events are less formal and do not require as much detail, but they show up on the Calendar page.

This is different from event profiles. Event profiles are typically showcases of significant events involving the FOSS@RIT community.

How to add calendar events

Create a Markdown file in the meetings-meetups/_posts/ folder with the file name convention (such as Additionally, calendar placeholders are highly encouraged to use the redirect layout and Front Matter to specify a link for the event.

For example:

layout: redirect
date-start: "2020-04-25 10:00"
date-end: "2020-04-25 17:00"
location: "MAGIC Spell Studios"
title: "Imagine RIT"

Come visit the FOSS@MAGIC booth at the annual Imagine RIT festival!
Stay tuned for more info closer to the event.

How to add recurring calendar events

Calendar events can also take a rrule Front Matter for recurring events, written to the iCal spec.

Of particular note:

The UNTIL rule part defines a DATE or DATE-TIME value that bounds the recurrence rule in an inclusive manner. If the value specified by UNTIL is synchronized with the specified recurrence, this DATE or DATE-TIME becomes the last instance of the recurrence. The value of the UNTIL rule part MUST have the same value type as the DTSTART property.

For example:

layout: redirect
date-start: "2020-01-16 17:00"
date-end: "2020-01-16 19:00"
location: "MAGIC Spell Studios MSS-3190"
title: "FOSS Hours"
rrule: "FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20200423T190000"
Come meet other students and faculty involved with FOSS efforts at RIT!